October 30, 2004

Lost Progress in Toilet Training

I came home today to find that Chie had peed on their little bed. The one made out of pine chips to get rid of fleas, and which all three of them always use for napping. This is bad, because cats should never be urinating where they sleep. So I have decided to go back and put the baking pan without any hole back into the toilet bowl. I've once again locked the three of them inside the bathroom with food and water to hope that Chie learns from watching Asuka and Niea.

Asuka and Niea were happy to see the litter come back though. As soon as I put it back into the toilet, both of them pooped into it. It is easy to see that Niea is farther along in the training because she placed three feet on the seat and then cleaned up by pawing at the seat instead of at the sand in the pan. Asuka only put two feet on the seat and then pawed the sand to cover her poop. Chie still seems completely uninterested in using the toilet.

Posted by josuah at October 30, 2004 12:50 AM UTC+00:00

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Author Profile Pagehey dude says at October 30, 2004 4:35 AM

Is it okay to lock all of them in the bathroom? I mean, it may backfire, because these babies may be harmed psycologically? It appears to be a lot of work to take care of the three kittens. It is certainly not something I would place upon myself.

Author Profile PageJosuah says at November 3, 2004 9:31 AM

The cats are not scared of the bathroom after this. And, now that I have returned the litter to the pan in the toilet, they seem happy to use it again.

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